we offer several options regarding your spray tan, so you can choose which best suits your lifestyle or special event.

  • firstly, we offer our original no fry zone spray solution, which is a realistic, beautiful brown tan, available in three levels of depth:  light, medium and dark.  the cure time for our original solution is eight hours.
  • second, we offer our clear spray solution, which is a medium level tanning solution that does not include a bronzer so you will not have immediate color.  the cure time for our clear solution is also eight hours.  this product is ideal for brides or anyone not interested in immediate color.
  • third, we offer a fast developing product that develops in half the time.  depending on your skin type, you will be instructed during your session as to the ideal time for you to shower.  the minimum development time is 3 hours and the maximum development time is 4 hours.  if you will not be able to shower within these time parameters, this product is not suggested.
  • lastly, we have packaged our original spray solution in a take home kit for you to enjoy at home.  Made in the Shade is very popular with our clients for touch up purposes and also full body tanning.  we also ship this product if needed.  you may view a demonstration below: